A current backup of specific data such as tooling, reference and setup parameters can greatly reduce downtime in the event of a controller failure or any situation that causes lose of data. This procedure illustrates the backup steps. If you have trouble with these steps call Park Industries Customer Service at (800) 785-3391.
Navigate to the Tool Rack Setup Screen and locate the Tool Positions Save to File button. Click Save to File to save all current tool rack location settings.
Insert a Flash Drive in USB port, or you can copy the following files to a network folder.
On the Auto Play overlay select view files using Windows Explorer (if using USB Flash Drive).
Minimize the Park Industries front end software.
On windows desktop open My Computer or a Windows File Explorer. You should now have two windows open.
Double click the “C” hard disk drive
Copy the CNC_ROUTER_DATA folder to your flash drive or network location.
Once the copy is finished remove the flash drive and store in a safe place. You can now resume Router Software.