Remove water fork assembly from blade shroud
Remove the water fork assembly from the blade shroud, as you would when changing a blade. Reminder, the water fork assembly is held on by magnets. Firmly grab assembly, and pull away to break loose.
Once the water fork assembly is removed from the mounting, disconnect the water line.
Remove old water forks from assembly
Place the aluminum block portion of the assembly in a bench vise, or some other form to secure the assembly. Unscrew the 2 metal forks from the aluminum block, part #1 & #7 from drawing below, using a channel lock pliers or pipe wrench. It may be possible to unscrew the water fork pipes, by placing a wrench on the hex end caps.
Attached new water fork pipes and caps
Apply some pipe dope, or thread sealant to each end of the new water fork pipes, thread on end caps, and thread into aluminum block. Then insert water fork assembly back on to blade shroud assembly.